Next to his scribblings he also sketches a superhero with the logo of an exclamation mark emblazoned on his chest, a cape flying in the wind and a mask to conceal his identity. The latest sighting of his work was found on the graffiti-covered floor of the bandstand in Victoria Gardens, Chatham.
After correcting words like 'woz ere' and 'innit brav', the mystery man left the message: "Terrible spelling and very poor use of grammar. This is murder of the English Language. POW! Grammar Man Strikes Again." He also wrote next to drawings with speech bubbles that contained grammatical errors.

Alongside the drawing of a girl that said "no wonder you hate me when I look like this I love you though", he added "Punctuation Again" and placed arrows next to another to illustrate where the punctuation should have been. Grammar Man's enthusiasm sometimes gets the better of him, however, with a tendency to use capital letters throughout sentences - as seen in his comments "Grammar Man Strikes Again" and "Punctuation Again".
Even the native speaker can't talk about all of the topics, unfortunately, for everyday conversation, not so much words are required. Literature will help learn English better. It rather depends on the purpose of learning the language, for me to communicate freely and deliver a complex test, so really simple communication will not help, however, it will add confidence. From my experience as I happened to hire a tutor and then hire essay writer for my Literature and English classes, there are 2 best options: fiction, not adapted, but ordinary. Something that you like to read most: detectives, fantasies, or motivational guides. It is better if there is a series of books. Then you get used to the style of the author, and words are remembered faster. And the second is communication with the native speakers who do not understand your native language. Although the latter option is harder to implement.
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