The woman tried to stop it and swam after her horse but quickly realised she had no hope and had to turn back. Dover Coastguard then received a series of 999 calls at around 3.50pm reporting a rider and a horse in difficulties in the sea off Sandwich Bay Sailing Club.
Walmer Inshore Lifeboat was launched and reached the scene in 15 minutes. Shallimah was starting to tire but the crew managed to attach a line to its bridle. They then coaxed it back towards the shore to be reunited it with its owner.

Walmer lifeboat helmsman Andrew Howland said: "This was one of the most unusual and most satisfying rescues I’ve carried out whilst a lifeboat crew member. Leading a horse to water is one thing but persuading it to come out again is a completely different issue."
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it sink.
How is it a rescue if the horse didn't want to come back?
Sounds like it was getting away from them.
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