Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Zimbabwe's male MPs to be circumcised

Zimbabwe's male ministers will all undergo circumcision as part of a campaign to prevent the spread of HIV, the deputy prime minister has been quoted as saying.

Research indicates male circumcisions can help prevent infections of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. According to Thokozani Khupe, all men in the 150-member parliament and all male councillors in urban and rural councils should also undergo the operation.

"All the ministers should go for the exercise if our aims of reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS are to be translated into reality. As leaders in government, we should lead by example," she said.

Zimbabwe is one of 13 countries in East and Southern Africa participating in a $US2.5 billion ($2.4 billion) program to circumcise 38 million men - 80 per cent of the male population under 49 years old - over the next 15 years.


Insolitus said...

Leading by example can of course mean getting part of your penis amputated in order to slightly reduce your chances of contracting HIV, but it could also mean using and promoting condoms. Those funny little things do a lot better job at the said reduction than any mutilation apart from maybe complete penectomy. How many condoms could you buy with the money needed for one circumcision?

Will said...

If the third man is proud of being circumcised, why is he giving everyone the "two-fingered salute"??

E said...

going the step further and becoming a eunuch reduces it to 0%

Anonymous said...

this is so insane teh only reason this would work is during the time they arent F#@%ing while their D!@% is healing

WilliamRocket said...

The irony is that there is a large chance of infection (leading to death ?) if the circumcision isn't done in hygienic conditions

I am told monogomy works.

gammagoblin said...

The guy at the end is telling us he had it done twice. Either that or he's chosen the appropriate symbol from "Rock, Scissors, Paper".