Monday, September 19, 2011

Disabled woman was arrested for sitting outside on chair

A northeast Atlanta woman, who is physically disabled, said she was roughed up by an Atlanta police officer while being falsely arrested. Shequita Walker, 40, said she’s been sitting in the same lawn chair outside her apartment complex at Boulevard and Rankin Street for years. She said she likes to sit there and wait for the ice cream truck. Walker suffers from scleroderma which limits her range of motion and causes pain in her joints.

In April, Walker said an Atlanta police officer approached her and told her to move. “He came right here and said we had to move, and I said ‘What reason do he have to move?’ ” Walker said. She said the officer told her, “Because I said so.” Walker claims she stood and told the officer she was going to call his supervisor.

Photo from here.

“That’s when he grabbed me. My ice cream fell and my phone fell,” she said. Walker said that’s when the officer put her on the ground. Walker has photos of the incident. Walker said the officer sprained her shoulder in the process, and she had to be taken to Grady Memorial Hospital.

After she was released, Walker said she was taken to jail on a charge of disorderly conduct. A prosecutor later dismissed the charge. Walker filed a complaint with the Citizens Review Board. The board ruled that the officer made a false arrest and recommended a three-day suspension. So far, no action has been taken.

With news video.


SteveC said...

A three day suspension seems a bit small. If the officer has such bad judgment maybe he should be sitting behind a desk.

Anonymous said...

Suspended!? It would be my guess, that this policeman is a bit mentally unstable--with an IQ of maybe 60, and needs to be promoted!

Anonymous said...

Bad day, bad judgement and someone mouths off..
Three days suspension is still leanient.

bearfoot said...

Mouths of Anonymous?

You have the right to know why you're being told to move. "I said so" Is not justification.

If He had said "you're blocking the street." Instead of pulling the I'm a cop I'm right you're just a civilian she probably would've moved.

Five Fingers said...

That's nothing compared to this.

Anonymous said...

The damage done to community relations alone warrants more than a three-day suspension.
The cop is basically getting a free holiday for being a total a55hole.