The 32-year-old designer said she was excited about the two dresses and bras made up from body parts given to her by a tannery. But animal rights campaigners and MPs lined up to attack the Liverpool-born designer. Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock said he found the bizarre items “wholly inappropriate and disturbing”.

And Labour MP Kerry McCarthy blasted: “It seems to me absolutely grotesque. I think most people will find it sickening and repulsive.” Justin Kerswell of animal rights organisaton Viva joined said: “Isn’t the way we treat farmed animals bad enough without turning their dead bodies into a runway freakshow?”
But Freire – who is preparing to exhibit at Paris Fashion Week – defended her clothes. She said: “They really make you aware of the animal itself. I create fashion using material that would otherwise end up on the scrap heap. What I am doing is recycling. The people criticising are clearly clueless about the amount of leather wasted on a daily basis.”
Freire is clearly clueless about what looks good.
Her "creation" doesn't.
My advice to her is to get a life.
I don't get what the fuss is about. It's just leather. It's a bit odd, sure, but it's certainly not sick.
it most certainly is odd but it's recylcing items usually discarded. It's not like she killed the yaks on purpose to do this. If she can find a buyer, good for her. That's capitalism. If not then she won't keep doing it.
uring Fashion Week visitors walk past HUNDREDS of leather pieces, why is this any different? Everyone is entitled to their opinion as to weather they like it or not, but you can not fault the designer for being "unethical". I think it is beautiful.
I can just imagine the furor on the part of men if a designer created something made out of bulls' scrotums.
I find these populist, pandering and most likely hypocritical politicians to be sickening and repulsive. If we searched their wardrobes, what would be the odds of not finding anything made out of leather? (The part of the animal carcass around its nipples.) Quite small, I would think.
no more disgusting than leather, feathers, scales or fur. disgusting but still the same type of materials.
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