Ms. Foster was a full-time student at Georgia Perimeter studying Business Administration when the incident happened. She told police she was at the Decatur branch of the DeKalb County library using the computers to look for employment when her son began laughing. Police were called and she was asked to leave. Police arrested Foster across the street from the library while she was waiting for a police sergeant to arrive at the scene.

Officials said she was arrested after becoming angry, and using profanity in front of children. “Ms. Foster was upset because no one would listen,” her attorney, Mawuli Mel Davis said. “Anyone would be upset.” Foster was issued a criminal trespass warning and “became irate yelling in a loud and boisterous manner.” After being asked to calm down and leave the library, Foster apparently left, only to return “within minutes … yelling and cursing.”
Ms. Foster faces charges of obstruction for what she says was a request for the police officer to take a report from her regarding how she was inappropriately treated by library staff. Foster could face up to a year in jail if she is found guilty at her trial. The trial date has been set for September 13, 2011 before Dekalb County State Court Judge Janis Gordon.
STFU in the Library....and don't bring small (loud) children to the Library where people are reading. This is common sense. I hope she gets the maximum.
I really don't understand why all the headlines are "Woman gets arrested after baby laughs in library" instead of "Woman gets arrested after losing control and becoming belligerent."
I hope they throw the book at her.
Putting her in jail would be utter insanity, a perversion of justice.
Well. This so happens to be the library I frequent. They have a children's section. Kids are in the library. Kids laugh out loud. Most of the staff there seem pretty reasonable folk who can handle a rowdy 14 month old kid.
Reading all the reports, it sounds like she was being a total jerk wad and then complaining about how she was treated. She wasn't arrested until she had left the library and then continued to be a problem. And she can't say she was arrested for being black since this is a primarily black county.
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