The visit came as a shock to the pool’s owner, George Trapotsis, who said he hasn’t seen a moose in his backyard in 35 years of living there. “This train-like noise came through the fence and dove right into the pool,” said Trapotsis.

The moose fell right through the pool cover, according to Trapotsis. "He tore the cover, got entangled and just couldn't move," Trapotsis said. Trapotsis said his first concern was keeping the animal alive and freeing it from the cover. At about midnight the rescue of the moose was underway. With a rope attached to the moose, nine men pulled the animal out of the water.
“I didn’t get trained on how to do this, that’s for sure,” said Jack Pushee of New Hampshire Fish and Game. “There’s a first for everything.” Rescuers said although the moose was agitated and stressed during the rescue, it appeared to be in good health when it walked off into the woods.
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