When he was stopped, officers subjected the priest to a breath-test which allegedly returned an off-the-chart reading of "+.5" - the highest possible reading the breathalyser can handle. Taken back to nearby Maclean police station, the priest allegedly returned a 0.341 reading. While police do not record individual figures on drink-drive readings, a senior police source confirmed it was one of the highest blood-alcohol levels allegedly recorded in recent times.

The legal limit for all drivers in NSW is 0.05, which can be reached after approximately two standards drinks for men, and one standard drink for women, in the first hour. When contacted on Friday, Father Jones, who earlier this year underwent a life-saving triple heart bypass, said his job was safe and that he was receiving counselling over the matter. Due to his state, Fr Jones was bailed into the custody of another priest, Father Rex Hackett, before being transported home.
Fr Jones was issued with a future court attendance notice and has been ordered to appear at Maclean Local Court on December 13. The car, which is understood to belong to the Catholic church, has been confiscated by police. Drug and alcohol educator Paul Dillon said a reading of that magnitude was potentially life-threatening. "I would imagine, the person with a level like that wouldn't actually expect them to survive." Mr Dillon added that to reach a reading above .3 would require sustained and prolonged drinking of hard liquor.
Put into the custody of Father Hackett...
'Father Ted' has a usable quote for all situations!
Father Ted, it is a Irish comedy from the 90's about 3 priests living on an small island off western Ireland.
Fr Crilly, Fr. McGuire, and Fr Jack Hackett. The show is iconic here in Ireland!
I'm sure everyone would rather him abusing alcohol and not young boys.
It's allegedly only alleged, however. Just to be clear. Allegedly.
That would be nice, Anon, as long as he's not driving anymore. But what would prevent him from being an abuser of both?
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