Sunday, October 16, 2011

Couple facing £75,000 bill for bid to find lost dogs

When a beloved pet goes missing, most frantic owners would do anything to secure their return, and when Nicola Bayston printed off 1,000 posters to find her lost dogs, she thought long and hard about offering a cash reward.

But the 33-year-old vet now fears her desperate attempts to find her Patterdale Terriers, Jess and Bramble, could land her with a £75,000 bill, after council “jobsworths” told her she had broken fly-posting laws.

Mrs Bayston, of South Hiendley, between Barnsley and Wakefield, said her husband Richard, a pharmacist, had been contacted on Wednesday by Wakefield Council which said several complaints had been made about the posters. The local authority said the couple would be fined £75 for each poster they had put up in the area, leaving Mr Bayston horrified at the financial implications, and the prospect of having to go round and remove them.

Mrs Bayston said she and her husband had been told that they have until October 27 to remove the posters, and if any were found after that date, the fines would be issued immediately.

Full story here.


Ratz said...

Was she really just intending on leaving them up until they rotted? It sucks that she lost her dog, but it's also her responsibility to take the posters back down again (same as it is for politicians who put their posters up on lamp posts).

shak said...

My guess is that they were going to leave them up until the dog was found. Putting up a thousand posters are going over the top, though.

WilliamRocket said...

put up new posters "wanted, dead, council wankers"

arbroath said...

Whilst I take your point, Anonymous, I feel there may have been a slightly more subtle way of conveying your feelings.

WilliamRocket said...

Golly Anonymouse, rule breakers are the people who make progress happen !
Turn your binoculars around, see the big picture.
And stop eating meat.

Anonymous said...

Your dogs arent lost...they left you because they hated you.