The deer hopped the customer service desk, knocking over a computer, according to the store’s manager Jeremy Johnson. There were no customers in the store at the time as only Johnson and an associate were inside. They ran out, locked the door and called 911.

"Obviously you don't expect that", Johnson said. "You have to look at yourself and think is this really happening?" The animal broke the sink in the back bathroom of the store - possibly because it saw itself in the mirror. The deer was hurt in the process leaving blood on the floor. The whole incident what caught on cell phone video by employee Kunjan Patel.
"I texted them that a deer just ran through our store," Patel said. Police tried to corral the animal but after all the havoc, the deer simply ran back out the same way it came in, according to witnesses. The animal trotted away so it's unclear how badly it was hurt.
With news video. There's another video here.
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