His family called the police but when they found Ben he was so badly injured he had to be put down by a vet. Neighbours said Findlay's wife June was besotted with the dog and the couple had statues of Westies in their garden and a welcome plaque of one beside their front door. Animal welfare campaigners and politicians have demanded a heavy punishment.

Tory MSP Margaret Mitchell said: "This man should never be allowed to have animals again. Ordinary people will find it hard to believe that someone could do this to a defenceless animal. I would hope his sentence will reflect the horror the public will feel about this incident."
A spokesman for the Westie Rescue Scheme said: "This is absolutely disgusting. All dogs have accidents but this man has completely overstepped the mark by what he has done. This is a very distressing case and our members would consider a jail sentence to be a reasonable disposal for a crime like this." At Hamilton Sheriff Court Findlay admitted last month's horrific attack at his house in Bellshill, Lanarkshire. Sheriff Thomas Millar called for background reports and ordered him to return for sentencing next month.
What a POS. I hope he has to do jail time.
Dogs can't exactly open doors to go outside by themselves. I hate this man.
Despicable. He should be made to work in a dog rescue centre. Let him watch abused dogs come in and make him help them recuperate.
No, dont let him near animals...he obviously has severe self esteem issues, issues best dealt with by a youth in Asia...can somebody provide me with this animal molesters address ?...I know how to treat defenceless creatures and I don't need a hammer.
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