Saturday, October 15, 2011

Man's penis severed in grass cutting incident

A trainee at an agriculture farm in Malaysia had his penis severed after falling on the blades of a moving grass-cutting machine at the Pulau Kerengga permanent food production park last Saturday. The incident occurred when the 26-year-old victim, said to be a slow-learner, fell off the machine after climbing onto its rear without the driver's knowledge.

Cosmopal Sdn Bhd director, Mohd Amir Hafiz Zainudin, said the trainee was employed at the farm more than a month ago and was only given light work, like gardening and feeding the goats. He said the victim was with other workers at the farm when he left the group and went after the grass-cutting machine.

"The driver of the grass-cutting machine only realised the incident after hearing the victim screamed in pain," he added. The victim was sent to the Marang Health Clinic, but was transferred to the Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital, Kuala Terengganu, for treatment.

Meanwhile, the victim's mother, who requested anonymity, when met at the hospital, said she would take legal action against her son's employer for negligence. "Before I allowed my son to work there, I was told that his job was to feed the goats," she added. She said although doctors at the hospital were able to re-attach her son's penis, there was no guarantee that it would function as normal.


The Rat King said...

Self-inflicted Darwin award. It's a beautiful thing.

Those who goof off around sharp, spinning blades do not have kids of their own.

another said...

In fact, self-selection is one of the eligibility requirements for a Darwin Award.

Depending on exactly what's meant when they say this fellow is a "slow-learner", he might be disqualified on grounds of mental maturity.

Still, if he did qualify and win, he'd be one of the few that could actually show up and collect the award!

WilliamRocket said...

...yes, but he couldn't leave it for his children. I guess thats the whole idea of the darwin Awards.
Wonder if this guy feels a real dick now ?

Anonymous said...

I'm seriously trying to figure out how his penis got cut off. It says nothing about other damage to his body. Was he naked at the time? Sounds odd.

Insolitus said...

Darwin Award is for those who have permanently removed themselves from the gene pool, either by getting themselves killed or becoming sterile. Having your dick chopped of doesn't make you unable to reproduce, so he's not eligible for the award.

Insolitus said...

Before anyone points it out, a man with less than a whole penis can potentially still ejaculate, so the "deserted island scenario" is possible.

Unknown said...

....beyond that, it's surprising what reconstructive surgery can be done. He needs to be able to pee, after all. Various toe or arm skin penises have been made surgically, with urinary functions, if nothing else.