Saturday, October 29, 2011

Miracle dog survives gas chamber

A miracle dog that did not die when put into a gas chamber has come to New Jersey for adoption after his incredible survival. Daniel the beagle was a stray in Florence, Ala., when he was placed into a shelter by animal control officials. After he was not claimed or adopted, he was put into a gas chamber to be put down with other unadopted dogs.

But after the animal control officer went back to the chamber, there was Daniel, still alive. “They were all dead except for Daniel who was wagging his tail," said Linda Schiller of Eleventh Hour Rescue, the group that rescued Daniel and brought him to New Jersey. "He’s a miracle.”

YouTube link.

Gassing chambers work by pumping carbon monoxide into a sealed space, eventually suffocating the animals. Some argue it takes only minutes for the animals to lose consciousness and die, but the gas cycle is run for much longer, as much as 30 minutes, to be sure it has worked.

According to Vincent Grasso, an animal control officer in Florence, Daniel had been inside the chamber with the other dogs for a scheduled 17-minute cycle. Grasso said it is highly unusual for a dog to emerge from the chamber alive, and it is shelter policy that if that happens, a dog would be given a second chance. Grasso said they brought Daniel to see the veterinarian and to make sure he was OK. Once Daniel was found to be in good health, they began to search for a permanent home.


goddess said...

Gassing dogs is incredibly cruel and should be banned.

Ratz said...

It's cheaper and less cruel than giving them an injection that stops their heart. With carbon monoxide poisoning they probably know there's something wrong when they start to feel dizzy etc. Nitrogen poisoning is more humane but I guess it's more expensive too.

WilliamRocket said...

Whats the problem ? too may dogs ?
I reckon there are too many humans, so why not gas the ones we dont want ....oh, wait....didn't some people do that last century ?
So how come its alright for humans (earthlings) to gas dogs (earthlings) ... why do we humans feel we are gods that can just kill any other earthling we want.
How about we sterilise them, well, a large proportion of them, and do the same to the people with expoding populations, China, India, Brasil.
Not where I live though.

Do what you can to stop people being cruel to animlas.

Insolitus said...

"Not where I live though."

A hat tip to you, sir.

goddess said...

There's a reason it's been banned in some states. They pack the dogs in a dark box and then slowly kill them. The dogs panic. Their last moments are filled with terror. It's awful and shouldn't be allowed.

Anonymous said...

Didn't realise they did this in a supposedly civilized, democratic country! I find that really shocking :(

The most humane way, and in fact the only recommended method of euthanasia of cats and dogs is an IV injection. It causes them to lose consciousness first, not just stop their heart.