Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rescued squirrel develops a taste for Crunchy Nut Cornflakes

While her furry friends are out foraging nuts for winter, this squirrel has developed slightly more refined tastes – preferring to breakfast on Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. The squirrel, fittingly named Kellogg, lives at the Feadon Farm wildlife centre in Portreath, Cornwall. Although now full of high spirits, Kellogg arrived at the centre just over three weeks ago in a sorry state.

She had been brutally attacked by a cat and was covered in bite wounds and abscesses. Gary Zammit, centre manager, tended to the creature by cleaning and treating her wounds. He even got up three times a night to bottle-feed the tiny critter, who would still have been on her mother’s milk in the wild.

Mr Zammit’s wife, Aly, who works with him at the centre, said: “He didn’t even do the night feeds with our own children. But the squirrel he will feed at any hour without complaining.” Now fully recovered the creature has begun making regular appearances at the family breakfast table.

And she has grown rather fond of the children’s favourite cereal, Crunchy Nut Cornflakes, often stealing it from their breakfast bowls right under their noses. Mr Zammit said it’s illegal to release the squirrel back into the wild because she’s not a native species, so she will be staying at Feadon Farm. And Mr Zammit added that she could continue to breakfast with the family, “as long as she can behave herself”.

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