Saturday, October 15, 2011

'Satan' urinated on house, exposed self to couple and intended to start truck with his penis

Police arrested a man who said his name was Satan on Wednesday night who urinated on a house, exposed himself and then tried to steal a truck, officers said. A man called police to report that he saw a man urinating against his home in Marysville, Washington.

The caller said the man then rang their doorbell and asked to speak with his wife. Without opening the door, the homeowner told the man he had the wrong house and should leave. Police said the man rang the doorbell again and then went to the front window and exposed himself to the man and woman in the house, a Snohomish County police document said.

When police arrived, they saw the 45-year-old man described by the homeowners inside the homeowners’ truck. As police spoke with the man, he tried to flee and jumped up on a nearby fence. Police subdued and handcuffed the man.

When asked why he exposed himself, the man said, “Because his wife is hot,” a police document said. At one point, the man told officers his name was Satan and said he planned on starting the truck with his penis and taking off. The man was arrested for investigation of indecent exposure, criminal trespass and attempted vehicle theft.

1 comment:

shak said...

Obviously, this man is mentally ill. I hope he gets help.