The Marshall Junior High student, says the school took corrective action over his hair. He says administrators used a permanent marker to colour in one of the lines on each side of his head on Monday.

"If a parent gives you permission then, ok, do that. But to just take the initiative and say, 'I'm just going to colour in his hair with permanent marker?' Very disrespectful," says his mother, Philleniea Williams.
Williams mother says they've never had a problem with him meeting dress code, even looking at the student code of conduct under "dress and grooming" the list of prohibited styles only says "designs shaved into hair." The principal says this is the first time she's dealt with an issue like this on campus, and was told this was done in the past. School leaders say it won't happen again.
With news video.
Sounds like an assault to me.
His first offense. A phone call to a parent should have all.
Sounds like an assault to me, too. Willful stupidity requires punishment. I'd be tempted to make a criminal complaint. Civil rights do not end at the schoolhouse door.
How is having two parts in your hair even a violation?
If the school wants to teach kids to respect authority, they should start by not abusing it.
I am looking at the picture...I don't see where the perm. marker was used.
Arbroath: why not pics. from each side of his head? No pics, no proof...I don't have time weed through the links in order to figure this out.
Saying "assault" is as bad as colouring-in his head! Eat some concrete, USA, and harden up. Seems like a stupid rule, but I suppose it has it's anti-gang reasons? In any case, hardly worth a news story. Oh boo hoo hoo, better to tell it as a funny story of what happened to you at school one day than act so offended. Talk about first world problems.
Anonymous #4 - If you have time to check out a fun site, you have time to click the link.
I had a quick look at the link and it had the same picture Arbroath had. Maybe we should have Arbroath fly to where ever this happened to get you a few pics.
As for the article, the school seems to have gone a bit far. Without knowing why they made the rule, the rule seems ridiculous. The young man should have been sent home and not touched.
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