Sunday, October 09, 2011

What a night that was

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Insolitus said...

Forever alone together!

I wonder whether love conquers all or do those with physically inferior dolls feel embarrassed in such a gathering.

SteveC said...

Even the dolls look bored.

Marco said...

One woman with her artificial girlfriend, or is one of the men mormon?

WifeMotherMe said...

Marco those are all men and their dolls (One does seem to me without her mate though) Is it pervy that I know at least a few of them are "Real Dolls"

Insolitus said...

Isn't the existence of Real Dolls general knowledge? Even if it isn't, I don't think it's pervy in any way. Or at least you are not pervy alone, WifeMotherMe. (It speaks well for the manufacturer of Real Dolls and the like that Marco here though one of them was a real person - even if it is just a small picture with only the head visible. There will be realistic sexbots within our life time. Made in Japan, I predict.)

Fred said...

If someone has a sex doll that's their business. Seems like a private thing.
Whatever your definition of pervy might be, it certainly could be described as "odd" to bring one's adult doll to a meeting with others doing the same. And to seat them in chairs next to their owners who are holding their "hands" begs explanation. At least to me.

Insolitus said...

I want to clarify that the thing I meant was not pervy was WifeMotherMe knowing about the Real Dolls. I definitely think it's a little pervy to live in a relationship with an inanimate object. Not bad, not necessarily sick, but definitely odd and at least a little pervy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeedy...

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that these guys can find a safe place to let their Freak Flag fly!

Power to YOU you freaky Real Doll guys!