Thursday, November 17, 2011

Angry woman goes on naked rampage in New York

An angry naked woman ransacked a Third Avenue Chinese restaurant in Bay Ridge on Thursday, then ran outside and danced in the street in the nude, stopping traffic, drawing hundreds of onlookers, and nearly burning the building to the ground before police showed up and hauled her away. The incident started at around 3 pm, when the then fully clothed woman — who had blonde hair but whose identity could not be confirmed — walked into Dragon China between 79th and 80th streets and demanded free food after finding the word “free” on the take-out menu. “She asked the cashier, ‘Everything is for free?’ ” said the restaurant’s owner, Dajo Zhao, who said that the woman then slammed her fingers down on the menu, while screaming, “Free! Free! Free! Free!”

When another customer told her that she was crazy, the woman put on a show that made it appear as if she was. Unhinged, she started throwing everything she could get her hands on, screaming with rage and wildly flailing. Her manic tornado then moved to the back of the restaurant, where she pushed over equipment, threw food, and even punched a chef. “I walked in and I saw an old lady trashing the place,” said Noreen Monier, who owns Tops Restaurant & Bar Supply on Third Avenue between 80th and 81st streets. “I told her to stop and she threw a watermelon at me. She had superhuman strength.” The panicked employees quickly moved out into the street as the woman continued to cut a path of destruction through the tiny takeaway.

Minutes later, she emerged from the store and took off her clothes piece-by-piece on the sidewalk — first kicking off her lime green loafers, then chucking her handbag, before stripping off her skirt and blouse, revealing the full monty to the nearly 300 onlookers who gathered. When a black convertible attempted to pass through the normally bustling intersection — the woman blocked its path and laid down on top of it, giving the confused driver an unwanted hood ornament. “You just never seen nothing like this. She’s naked as the day she was born, spread eagle on the car,” said Michael Clancy, who was walking his dog nearby when the woman began to strip.

The woman eventually made her way back into the restaurant, where she began chucking Snapple bottles and destroying anything she hadn’t already devastated — including the store’s cash register and telephone. “She’s picking up the phones, answering calls, and throwing money,” said Clancy. As the naked woman continued to make a mess, a fire broke out on the restaurant’s broiler and began to spread. Shortly afterward, police were on the scene and fire fighters showed up to contain the blaze. Female police officers tried to contain the naked woman by wrapping her in a blanket, but she slipped out of their grasp repeatedly before they were finally able to cuff and cover her. Police would not say if the naked woman was arrested.

You can see uncensored images here.

Many thanks Alexa!


SteveC said...

Maybe they should have closed and locked the door after she left. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've seen the original pics, and this time I'm all for censorship ...


LibrarianAlexa said...

You're so welcome!

arbroath said...

Thanks again, Alexa!