Monday, November 07, 2011

Council to confront residents with unwanted sex toys if they try to recycle them

Town hall snoops will confront residents with their used sex toys if they put them in the wrong bin. One incorrect item means a ten-ton load must go to landfill, costing £1,000.

London’s Enfield Council spoke out after finding ­rubber dolls and vibrators in recycling containers.

A source said: “It may mean knocking and handing back a blow-up doll that shouldn’t be there.”

Environmental boss Chris Bond said: “People should think whether a blow-up doll is really ­suitable for recycling.”

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Ummm... So sex toys have bacteria and viruses, just like about any piece of plastic we recycle. The point being? Waste tons because the material, after undergoing extreme heat and given a new shape might have once been in contact with a "forbidden place?" Really?