Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Cunning intruder hides in family’s bathtub

Alice Scott has had a blocked drain before in her northeast Colorado Springs home, but it's never happened quite like it did on Thursday morning. "I pulled back the shower curtain, and I have a raccoon staring me in the face," she said.

There it was, even bigger than a large house cat, a seemingly friendly critter content to spend the entire day in the tub. Alice looked again with her camera at the ready. "The next thing I know he's posing," she said of the raccoon that got in by going through her pet door.

Alice called the Humane Society, then Colorado Parks and Wildlife, which she said advised her to simply lure the raccoon back outside. It wouldn’t budge, so she closed the door and left it while she went to work. "I don't know how it would have happened if things went awry."

It took a professional, Jeff Mokol from A All Animal Control, to move a raccoon that suddenly came to growling life and wanted no part of the relocation plan. The raccoon was taken into the forest near Divide and released back into the wild.

With news video.

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