Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Customer leaves $1 million in Australian restaurant

Australian police were looking for the owner of a suitcase "full of money" that was left at a restaurant on Tuesday. The found at Cafe Marco in the Burwood district of Sydney contained about 1 million Australian dollars in $50 notes.

Detective Inspector Ian Pryde told reporters a man wearing surfing shorts carried the suitcase into the Italian restaurant. He "seemed to get spooked" and left without the money. A 49-year-old Asian man matching the description given by staff was identified from nearby surveillance cameras.

YouTube link.

"The man entered the cafe briefly and was acting suspiciously, fleeing on foot following an incident with another patron, without his bag. "Given the circumstances of him leaving staff checked the bag, discovering the cash," a report said. New South Wales police confirmed that a man had been arrested but declined to comment on whether he was the suspect who had earlier been sought.

A spokesman said the arrested man had been taken to a local police station but had suffered "a medical condition" and was taken to hospital where was being kept under police guard. Police would only describe the suitcase's contents as "a significant amount of cash."

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