The order bans the Wellingborough resident from entering a number of pubs, streets and businesses in the town and also bans him from entering one of the area’s nursing homes. It also bans him from “Being in possession of any excrement, on the outside of his body, human or animal in a public place” and from “Throwing or smearing any object, including food at any property not belonging to himself”.

Northamptonshire Police obtained the CRASBO after Chennel was found guilty of nine offences of criminal damage. Pc Vicky Howe said: “Officers from the antisocial behaviour unit, together with the safer community team, have worked hard to secure this CRASBO.
“It is important that action is taken against people who continue to act in an anti-social manner, detrimentally affecting the lives and businesses of people around them. We are extremely pleased with this result and hope that it will act as a deterrent to Mr Chennell from behaving like this in the future.” The order lasts for two years and if it is breached Chennell could face a prison sentence of a maximum of five years.
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