Sunday, November 27, 2011

Man dumping cat in clinic bin caught on CCTV

An elderly man got out of his Mercedes and took out a pet carrier. But instead of heading into the clinic, he opened a rubbish bin and shoved the carrier into it - all this time with his young companion looking on curiously. After a few shakes, the carrier was free of its occupant, and the man closes the lid of the bin. He and the girl then drove off - unaware that he had been captured on CCTV cameras at James Tan Veterinary Centre (JTVC) in Singapore.

The incident happened on Tuesday and it was only four hours later at around 2pm that a staff member discovered that there was a cat in the bin when the bin kept moving, said JTVC's administration assistant Chee Siew Luan. According to Ms Chee, the cat is between one and three years old. The cat is in good condition and sterilised, she added.

YouTube link.

Said Ms Chee: "We found a collar on him ... We don't know whether the cat belongs to the man or whether he was just dumping a random cat." A police report has since been lodged. JTVC hopes its video camera technician can identify the licence number of the car before going to the police with more evidence.

When contacted, Cat Welfare Society's vice-president Veron Lau said that people abandon their animals for various reasons such as financial difficulties, emigration, or a new addition in the family. Said Ms Lau: "It's still no excuse. They should try to re-home it first or, as a last resort, surrender it to the SPCA. With a cat, you're looking at a commitment of 15 to 20 years." Abandonment is an act of animal cruelty. If charged and convicted, the offender can be fined up to S$10,000 or jailed up to 12 months, or both.


Anonymous said...

If only 'enhance' worked as well as it does in the movies and on TV.

This person does not deserve to go to jail for this. The cat was not thrown in a tied bag into a river, nor tortured to death, nor thrown out a moving car, poisoned, etc. Fine the man sure, but calling for jail time is just silly.

Anonymous said...

The cat did not eat for a couple of days and if you google and see a pic of the cat, it is sad how scared it looked. He did say it was partly cos of money. But apparently changed his story when he realized people knew if he drove a mercedes in Singapore, he was not short of cash.

In Singapore, you need to buy a certificate of entitlement before you buy a car. It costs an average of 60 000. Add the price of the car to that.

Poor kid. Poor cat.

Anonymous said...

Dumping the cat in a bin could've had horrendous consequences if it hadn't been detected. The punishment should reflect that.