Thursday, November 24, 2011

Police warn man for letting his cat wander into neighbour's garden

There isn’t a curious cat in the county who doesn’t enjoy a stroll around the streets of an evening. But little Yaqoob Khan is keeping a closer eye on his pet puss from now on - after his astonished dad was given a ticking-off by police for allowing the cat to wander.

Kishwar Khan, aged 30, says he was stunned when police sent an officer to his Sheffield home to speak to him about his ginger-and-white moggy’s movements. He said the officer told him a neighbour had phoned police after the cat - named Tinkerbell - roamed repeatedly onto their property.

“The officer told me our family cat, which belongs to my three-year-old son Yaqoob, keeps going to a neighbour’s house - and a complaint had been made to the police,” Mr Khan said. “The police asked me if I could stop the cat from doing it. How am I supposed to do that? It’s perfectly normal for cats to wander the neighbourhood when they are let out of the house. Every cat does it.

“I told them there was nothing I could do other than keep the cat locked up all day long.” Mr Khan, from Pitsmoor, added: “I couldn’t believe a police officer had taken the time to come and call at my house to talk to me about a cat. I would have thought the police would have better things to do with their time than to send officers on inquiries about cats.”


mark said...

Something tells me the neighbor was probably white.

Anonymous said...

Or a bird lover. Unless you double-bell a cat's collar, they really take a toll on the avian population.


Insolitus said...

Cat turds. We had a sand box at our garden when I was little, Mum was always angry about the cat shit she had to clear out before letting the children play in it. Oh, and the claw marks on the car bonnet, the neighbourhood's cats loved the warm engine.

Mr Khan is unsuited for pet ownership if he can't control his pet.

Anonymous said...

Why are cats the only domestic animal allowed to perambulate, defacate, urinate, fornicate and ululate all over their neighbours property?
Time the law was changed.
You want a cat? keep it to yourself!

SteveC said...

I have outdoor cats and the only realistic way to keep a cat from venturing into neighbors property is to keep it inside all the time.

Where I live it very rural and isn't a problem as most people have a cat somewhere.