Sunday, November 06, 2011

Residents fear owl is eating small dogs and cats

Residents in Albuquerque's foothills say a huge, hungry owl has moved into their area and is eating small dogs and cats.

"We've seen him 3 or 4 times. He's huge. One day when we were walking, he swooped down over my husband's head. He's a huge owl," said Cindy Hummel.

YouTube link.

A lot of people who live near Tramway and Academy say the owl or owls have gone after their dogs. Regina Johnson says she thinks she found what were claw marks on her dog.

Marie Iverson says an owl who lives near a church behind her home killed her puppy. She says she let the dog out on the patio, then heard the puppy yelp. When Marie went outside, the puppy was gone. A zookeeper says owls are night hunters so if an owl lives near you, it's a good idea to keep your pets in at night.

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