Laura Coppinger worked with Christmas Traditions for six years, and spent five of them as the Sugar Plum Fairy. She says she even spent some of her own money to make improvements to the wings on her costume. "I made her larger than life," Coppinger said of her Sugar Plum Fairy character. "And each year she kinda got bigger and bigger."

But this year, Coppinger won't get a chance to spread Christmas cheer. The Sugar Plum Fairy has been let go, after cursing during a drug test for the job. When she accidentally flushed the toilet, she said she uttered the offending term that led to her termination. "Out of pure frustration with myself, I said a curse word," Coppinger said.
But before she could retake the test, she was told not to bother because she had violated the Christmas Traditions Code of Conduct, which says "Christmas characters don't know naughty words." "I made a mistake and I know I made a mistake and I'm willing to apologize for it," Coppinger said. "I wish they would just be a little more reasonable. I would love for them to say you know what we made a big mistake we love you and we actually would love to have you back this year for Sugar Plum Fairy" she said. "In a perfect world I would have my job."
With news video.
I could understand this if she had said this in front of children, but she didn't. A lousy reason to get fired.
I concur.
If you can't say potty words in the potty...
After all, she was just plum upset.
Okay, I had to get this out of my system. But agreed, this was totally silly unless, of course, kids were there when she was taking the urine test.
Fairies need drug tests?
Oh my.
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