Sunday, December 18, 2011

Crazy stoat with a rabbit twist

Although it may be a hare.

YouTube link.


Gareth said...

That's a rabbit. And the stoat isn't crazy, at least not by stoat standard. It's just doing what stoats.

Ever seen a stoat hypnotize a rabbit? It's an amazing sight, but the rabbit ends up dead.

Barbwire said...

I'd love to know more about this. Did the stoat eat fermented juniper berries or the local counterpart of locoweed?

The captcha is "ectic"--cockney for hectic?

Gareth said...

@Barbwire stoats do this all the time, it's just the way they are. They will actually dance around like this in front of a rabbit and the dance will effectively put the rabbit into a trance. They then strike and eat the rabbit.

You can find plenty of videos online.