"And suddenly this goose about 30 metres away disappeared - it was extraordinary. We just saw the goose go vertically down - in the space of half a second it had gone." He continued: "It was pretty surprising the speed with which it disappeared - and it didn't come back up. There was no sign of the creature that took it."

British Waterways, which is responsible for the upkeep of the river, asked people to report any further sightings. A British Waterways spokeswoman said of the latest incident: "We don't believe there is a crocodile in the river. Things that have been suggested are a big pike or a mink, which can prey on ducks. But geese might be a bit big for them."
She continued: "In some areas you get terrapins which get dumped and have taken to the conditions well - they can get to the size of dinner plates. But geese might be too big for them to take as well. No-one has reported anything to British Waterways, but we would encourage people to get in touch if they have seen anything."
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