Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Magpies 'mourn' Kim Jong-il in North Korea

The sorrow over losing the "Dear Leader" has not been confined to humans, as a group of birds were also seen gathered to "mourn" Kim Jong-il, according to North Korea's state television.

KRT showed footage of dozens of magpies perched in trees almost motionless, near a memorial tower for Kim Il-sung, founder of North Korea and father of Kim Jong-il, in Unsan county in eastern North Pyongan province.

YouTube link.

Coal miners in Unsan said flocks of magpies began to fly to their village on December 18, the day after Kim passed away after reportedly suffering a heart attack on-board a train. "I have been living here, a coal mine village, for about 50 years, but I have never seen a thing like this," said Baik Keun-shik.

Locals claimed the magpies would not fly away even when the villagers approached them or shone torches into the trees. "It's not just a strange natural phenomenon. It means our 'Dear Leader' was a born great man, so nature as well as all the people around the world cannot forget him, we can feel his existence in our warm heart," said Ri Yon-souk.

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