Police found it along with a small number of other cannabis plants when they raided his home in Aylesham, Kent, last December. Investigating officer PC Darren Dennett said: "By using a 5ft tall cannabis plant as a Christmas tree, Richards showed a total disregard for the law."

A judge at Canterbury Crown Court sentenced Richards to 18 months behind bars for drugs offences on 24 November, a Kent Police spokesman said on Friday. Dennett added: "One of the bedrooms at his home had been transformed into a very sophisticated cannabis factory.
"He claimed the plants were for his own personal use but the factory clearly had the potential to produce a large quantity of cannabis.He is now spending Christmas in prison, and by closing down this cannabis factory we have prevented a large quantity of Class B drugs from reaching the streets."
.."a total disregard for the law."
Sometimes I realy hate cops, especially the "better than you" kind.
50 Euro says that officer PC Darren Dennett got bullied as a kid and has been carrying a grudge ever since.
Atleast gigger chance of that than the bedroom being of "factory" size tbh.
@ Damien. Thats funny that you say that because this kid I went to school with, who was a smart@ss and got beat up in school is not a cop in our city.
As for this story, that's messed up. Arresting someone on Christmas for growing marijuana for his personal consumption. Its already legal in other states to grow for personal medicinal use. There is no reason to be arresting someone for that. Go arrest people who drink and drive during the holidays seasons. Not pick on someone who is doing something harmless in his own home. Damn police.
Nice blog BTW. Check mine out at Cannabis-Country.blogspot.com
mate... his Christmas tree isn't even a female, in fact, its useful as anything accept getting people high.
and his grow room, so what i say give a brother some peace, people pay taxes on everything, your own home should be a place where you can do whatever you want.
this guy wasn't cooking up crack or meth, simply catering for his medical needs, or at worst, catering for somebody else.
the police need to sort there priorities out and legalize marijuana, it would do far more good than bad with the potential power to generate millions upon millions of pounds per year before considering the amount of money being saved by freeing up valuable prison cells and replacing them with real criminals, this would also help boost our economy in these desperate times.
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