Thursday, December 15, 2011

Teenager with fear of holes is terrified by crumpets

Teenager Stefani Ingamells of Scarborough, North Yorks has a phobia of crumpets. She claims the mere sight of the dimpled English snack makes her feel sick and want to flee. Stefani, 19, said: "If I was forced to look at one for any length of time I think I would be sick.

"My first reaction is always to destroy the crumpet. But then I have a strong urge to run away." It is their cluster of dimples that spook make-up artist Stefani, who recently discovered she has trypophobia — a fear of holes.

She added: "The other day I saw a group of straws pointing upwards and I was terrified. I also hate Crunchies because of the holes in the honeycomb. But my biggest fear has always been crumpets. My first memory of them was when I was five. My mum gave me one for breakfast and I just screamed."

After years of thinking she was alone she finally discovered fellow sufferers. She said: "I looked up 'fear' and 'crumpets' on the internet. I found lots of forums and support groups full of other people with trypophobia. We all have a fear of small clusters of holes."


Anonymous said...

To be fair, I feel a similar way, although I'd call it more of a repulsion than a phobia in my case.
The holes in crumpets etc. just strongly remind me of parasites burrowing into things.

Two of the worst examples (I won't link to them, but feel free to look up the videos :p) -
- Removal of botfly larvae from the human back
- The midwife toad.

* shudder *

Anonymous said...

OMG, I didn't think I would have a phobia for holes, but I've seen that midwife toad and it's given me nightmares! No way am I going to look up the botfly larvae.

Wild Rumpus said...

ohhh yeah - I fear the botfly larvae and midwife toad as well. Gives me nightmares.

There once was a young English strumpet
Who was unnaturally afraid of her crumpets
It wasn't the bread
That put fear in her head,
"It's the HOLES", she loudly did trumpet!

Anonymous said...

I have a phobia of stupid people. I spend most of my time cowering in the corner.

Gareth said...

My phobia is more specific. I have a phobia of attention whores who will do anything to get their faces in the tabloid press.

If she was really terrified of crumpets she wouldn't be photographed with them. If she's able to spend time with them even touching them as in the photographs then that is not a genuine phobia. I is a mild aversion at most.

Rich said...
