Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Baby girl discovered with dead mouse in mouth at preschool

A mother was outraged after learning of a gruesome incident involving her baby and a local childcare center, which has led to a probe by the state health department. The Donald K. Tucker Childcare Center, located in Newark, New Jersey, sparked criticism after 8-month-old baby Alanah Barba was found nibbling on a rodent while being supervised by preschool staff.

"I'm very upset because first of all they should've been watching her more carefully," mother Brittany Barba said. The baby was initially found by her grandmother, who assumed that the creature was a toy, but after closer inspection, realized that it was actually a dead mouse. "There's germs, mice carry disease, disgusted by it all," the baby's aunt Nadiyyah Miller said.

Miller explained that the entire family is frustrated because the daycare center refused to answer their questions about the incident, even denying them access to view the incident report. Although the daycare center released a statement explaining that the incident was rare, Miller and Barba have criticized the childcare center for failing to answer a series of questions including how long the rodent was in Alanah's mouth.

YouTube link.

"This was an isolated incident. I was really hurt by this. It could have been my child," executive director, Kiburi Tucker said. Barba, a regular volunteer at the childcare center, immediately removed Alanah, who will likely not return.


The Rat King said...

The vermin are coming out of the woodwork.

One of our prime members is even well on his way to winning the Republican candidacy!

Anonymous said...

Mom definitely has a 'stache, but please tell me that's not hair on her chest. Please...

shak said...

It's a tattoo, Anonymous. Now you can breathe.