Last month, Belniak's attorney filed a lawsuit against the now-deceased driver of the other car, alleging the crash was the victim's fault. Attorney Debra A. Tuomey, who is also Belniak's sister, said the Florida Highway Patrol's investigation of the case was a "government sanctioned assassination against one individual. Mr. Belniak is simply seeking to disclose the truth," she said. The suit asks for the victims' relatives to pay Belniak, 38, for his "pain and suffering … mental anguish … loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life" and the medical bills he got as a result of a crash he pleaded guilty to causing.
"This is ridiculous," said Georgette DeFranco, 48, a relative of the victims. "You caused it. You accepted guilt. How can I or anybody in this family be responsible for your injuries?" DeFranco lost her mother, Linda McWilliams, 66; her sister, Denise Bassi, 50, and her brother-in-law, Gerard Bassi, 51, in the crash. DeFranco's stepfather, Ray McWilliams, was injured but survived. Family members said he never fully recovered and he died last March at age 68.

Belniak had a history of driving infractions. He'd faced DUI charges twice before. One of those times, in 2003, New Port Richey police searching his Ford Mustang found a gallon of the intoxicant GHB, commonly known as the "date rape" drug. Belniak served 17 months in prison after pleading no contest to trafficking the drug. In 1994, Belniak hit and killed a pedestrian on U.S. 19 near Fivay Road. The woman later died. Belniak was not charged. Belniak's lawsuit against the estate of Ray McWilliams asks for more than $15,000 in damages. It claims McWilliams was in the left turn lane and "because of his sheer negligence" McWilliams abruptly changed lanes, "making it impossible" for Belniak to avoid the collision.
Let me at him. I'll show him mental anguish.
Clearly the guy is a nut and with such a history of substance abuse it's hardly surprising. What is ridiculous is a legal system that allows him to bring such a case. What is despicable is that a lawyer would take the case.
Hopefully the victims' family will bring a case against him on the grounds that this case has caused them mental anguish,
On an unrelated note, is that gondolier seriously messing about with his cell phone?!
I can't understand why we allow people to keep their licenses after they've been caught DUI.
The judge should throw this out of court and instruct the family to not only sue him, but his dumb a$$ lawyer as well for mental distress
What's even worse is that since the guy is in prison, his lawyer is most likely paid for by the taxpayers.
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