Sheriff Lindsay Foulis told Cameron he hoped the ban would help “calm” things. Cameron, 40, admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner at the house in Perth. Solicitor Mark Alder, defending, told the town’s sheriff court: “They have been together for 17 years and married 18 months ago. They are still living together but there are marital difficulties.

“My client reacts badly when he is drinking alcohol and for that reason he normally abstains. On this occasion, he had gone out drinking. He does not normally behave that way towards his wife.” Fiscal depute Stuart Richardson said he believed the couple had been separated and that Cameron had been invited round for the festive period.
He said: “Unfortunately, on Hogmanay he had taken some alcohol and began to lose his temper. He began shouting and swearing at his partner and the oldest son.” Sheriff Foulis deferred sentence on Cameron for six months. As well as the ban on speaking to his wife, he ordered him to be of good behaviour.
How can you live in the same house and not talk? I think the judge is forcing them to separate.
@slab99 you might think that, but I think the sheriff is an idiot. In what way is that going to help calm things?
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