The fire ripped through their home and a neighbouring property in Newton Road, Lowton, near Leigh, causing £250,000 of damage. The kittens died. Mr Ainscough, 28, who runs a staffing agency with his wife, said: "It’s just such a freak incident. They can’t be sure what caused it yet but it is possible it could have been the cats." The Ainscoughs are currently staying with relatives while the damage is assessed by insurers.
Their twin son and daughter, Kian and Darcy, had been due to start nursery at Bridgewater School in Worsley, Salford, this week but their uniforms and clothes were destroyed. Reina, 27, said: "It was so lucky that no one was in the house at the time. It could have happened at any time and I’m glad we weren’t in." The fire quickly spread to the house next door, which was also unoccupied. The owners were in the process of selling the house and had moved out just two days before the incident.

Firefighters stayed on the scene for around 12 hours. Fire investigators said the cause was still to be determined but confirmed they were looking at the possibility one of the kittens had jumped on to the cooker and activated the hob. Watch manager Steve Patterson, from Leigh fire station, said: "Damage to both houses is extensive. I would think that the whole building will have to be torn down."
They should get done for having a hob which can be switched on when they are not there. Do them for cruelty to the kittens.
I was warned years ago never to have a lamp that turned on by touch with cats in the house, as they could easily turn it on, knock it over, and start a fire.
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