Police have now ensured the extra-terrestrial came home after it was spotted in the sea five miles away off Old Portsmouth, Hants. A walker dialled 999 after spotting it floating near the shore last Thursday. Police and coastguard attended the scene and quickly realised it was not a human, but the alien model.

Mrs Wells said: 'There's only one in the whole of England and that is mine. "The police rang and said somebody has found a body in the Solent and it belongs to you - it's E.T.' I always knew E.T. would come home. He has lost a finger and looks a bit roughed up. But he has a smile on his face."
The model was made by Mrs Wells' daughter Louise who spent three months creating it while doing a stage make-up course. A Coastguard spokeswoman said: "It rolled up on the beach and gave somebody a bit of a fright."
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