A luxury apartment complex will be built in its place, and Aivaz is mourning the loss of a place she and other protesters have inhabited for more than a month. 'If corporations can have the rights as people, so can buildings,' said Aivaz, referencing a Supreme Court decision on political advertising.
'I'm doing this to show the building how much I love it, how much I love community space and how much I love this neighborhood. And I want to stop it from gentrification.' She is calling the upcoming ceremony a 'gay union'. The wedding will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 10th and Union Warehouse. The public is invited to the wedding, and encouraged to bring food.
YouTube link.
But there's a big snag in the road for this happy couple. Demolition crews have already started to dismantle the bride-to-be. Still, it's been said that true love never dies and Aivaz says she's going ahead with her wedding plans, anyway. Even though cranes have already started demolition work at 10th and Union Warehouse, Babylonia Aivaz reports 'I'm STILL Getting Married.'
She was previously married to an elevator. That marriage didn't last because it had too many ups and downs.
But does the BUILDING want to marry her, is the next question. If the building can knowingly and voluntarily consent, then I have no problem with this.
This is not a good thing.
I give it six months, tops. She will be disillusioned by the huge age difference, and the fact that her husband is, let's face it, not exactly structurally secure for the types of relations she's going to expect.
Eventually she'll turn to the doors of some young, glass and steel behemoth for comfort. It won't mean anything, since the recession the young'un is all flash and no cash. He'll be empty inside.
Still, she'll leave her well-intentioned but woefully mismatched and solid husband for the shiny new toy.
Only to realize she means less than nothing to him once that brand new lease gets signed by a hot young company with burgeoning assets amply displayed.
She'll end up flitting from meaningless relationships with convenience stores, Wal-marts, and warehouses, lamenting the elderly security she once had.
Finally she'll shack up with a taco hut and spawn a new generation of needy Quonset huts.
Mark my words.
It's people like this that set back gay rights by reinforcing the notion that gay marriage somehow means anything goes. Shame on her for trivializing a serious issue.
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