Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mysterious beast terrorises Namibian villagers

An unknown creature in Namibia is reportedly frightening and threatening village residents in the Uukwiyu Uushona constituency (Oshana region). According to regional councillor Andreas Mundjindi, the mysterious animal was spotted late last Saturday chasing dogs and goats. Mundjindi says that the beast even almost injured a young man on Sunday afternoon on his way home. “This is an alien animal that the people have not seen before. We don’t have a forest here and only bushes. So, this must be black magic at play”, the councillor said.

The animal is said to be white in colour with a dog-like head and pig-like backside. Locals are now only working and walking in groups whenever they go somewhere - day or night. One resident said that the creature originated from a house of a grey haired man. “Everyone believes it is his beast and even he knows that we think so,” the source said, adding that the man would be so feared that no one dares to confront him. The resident further says that people are puzzled that the mysterious animal only attacks dogs of some households while others are spared of the attacks.

“When it comes our side in the night, all the dogs are barking, but if it goes back west, then it’s all hush. People must be safe. We don’t want to be mauled by things we don’t know,” he fumed. A teacher acknowledged that even his learners are talking about the alien animal. “Wether it’s true or not, I don’t know. Wambos are just like Caprivians. They like magic too much,” says the geography teacher. Unknown animals have been regularly spotted in the north over the past years, most notably at Okaku village.

There residents accused a certain family of keeping strange animals as pets. The family successfully sued the Ministry of Safety and Security when police searched their house. Nothing was found. The Uukwiyu Uushona councillor has pleaded with the owner of the unknown beast to remove it from the open before it causes injuries. ”Alikana tukwateni nawa iinima yetu nokuyipa yilye yo kaayi tu fadhukiipo” – translating into “please let’s keep our things safe and feed them, so that they don’t run out into the open.” Some of northern tribes are said to believe that keeping strange animals in their houses bring luck, protection and wealth.


leonardo said...

In my part of the world, we call them "Pitbull terriers".

WilliamRocket said...

Yeah, Nah, Pit bulls are probably IS a big old pig. Those Africans ! believeing in spirits ! I have heard of some other people believing in spirits, they even eat (what they think) is parts of its body and drink of its blood....and they pray to it for help when earthquakes and tsunamis etc happen....but all the time saying that the spirit made them happen in the first place...and that the spirit moves in myterious ways !

Anonymous said...

“This is an alien animal that the people have not seen before. We don’t have a forest here and only bushes. So, this must be black magic at play.”

Oh, that's brilliant. The same form of "reasoning" led to the Spanish Inquisition.