Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Crackdown on iPhones being smuggled into China

Apple’s new iPhone 4S has become a serious smuggling problem in China.

Smugglers are frequently arrested trying to illegally sneak the smart phones into Mainland China. The reason being that the iPhone 4S sells for $125 cheaper in Hong Kong. Smugglers try to make a quick buck buying the phones there and selling them in the Mainland.

In the Luohu District of Shenzhen, a port of entry, authorities have been battling increasingly inventive methods of smart phone smuggling. Since the beginning of the year, over 3000 phones have been seized, in a total of 231 cases.

YouTube link.

In recent footage from February 21st, a man attempted to pass through customs with 30 iPhones tied to his waist and ankles. Customs officials noticed something was amiss when the man couldn’t bend down to pick up his suitcase. Ironically, the iPhones are manufactured in Shenzhen.

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