Saturday, March 31, 2012

How ladies kept in trim back in the 1940s

YouTube link.


Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but I believe this worked to some extent. I've watched videos in which they squeeze women's cellulite out by using machines that resemble some of these.

Gareth said...

It would appear to work. Such stimulation would be likely to shift retained water from the tissues. It would work in a similar way to boxers working out vigorously to lose weight before the weigh in. But just like those boxers these ladies would put the weight back on when the rehydrated.

Many of the "miracle" weight loss programs advertised over the years work in exactly the same way. They are short term miracles who's effects last only hours at best.

Krisz said...

If I stumpled upon a room filled with this "gym equipment" today, I'd be pretty scared. Some of those things look like torture mechanisms.