Saturday, March 03, 2012

Man says artichoke spinach dip contained animal toe

An New York man who says he found an animal toe in a package of artichoke spinach dip is suing the manufacturer and Fairway market for distributing it.

In a Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit, Andrew Brodsky, 35, said he found the toe, with the nail attached, last September.

“He felt something very sharp on his tongue. He spit it out and found an animal digit with the nail still attached,” said Brodsky's lawyer Michael Schlesinger.

Brodsky hasn’t been able to touch packaged foods, or watch other people eat them, for months, Schlesinger said. A spokeswoman for Sabra, which made the dip, said the company employs “rigorous” quality control.


Unknown said...

Only primates have nails instead of claws. It's a plant stem.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know this, but I agree with blitherypop.

Unknown said...

The biggest food borne illness alerts in the US in the past few years have involved eggs, strawberries, spinach and peanut butter.

What's next? "People who can't cook should just die!" There are better reasons (valid ones) to dislike prepared foods...and better things to get mad about.

Anonymous said...

^Agree with above blitherypoop comment!
Two of the biggest food-borne illness alerts recently here in Europe were beansprouts and cucumbers.