Seeing him in that state, three other young men went to help him by putting him back in his wheelchair. That was when the second bombshell occurred. The boys having come in contact with the disabled man said to be wearing all sorts or amulets in his waist, purportedly had their penis vanished. “The shouts of,he has stolen our prick rented the air, which attracted great crowd, some of whom joined now in beating the Hausa cripple and eventually succeeded in burning his wheelchair”, they further said. Before he could be lynched, police reportedly arrived on the scene and took the four boys and the disabled man to the Divisional Police station.

Reporters who were following the story spoke to the DPO of the Police Station, a very Polite Officer, who immediately ordered his junior officers to bring the boys into his office so that they could be interviewed. On entering his office, the DPO ordered them to pull down their trousers, so that the alleged missing genitals could be confirmed. When they did that, it was seen that their genitals were intact, although they complained that they were lifeless. One of them particularly complained that since the incident took place he had not been able to urinate even though the urge to urinate had been there.
Not wanting to take chances, and insisting that the boys’ manhoods must be confirmed working or lifeless, the DPO ordered one or two of his junior officers to take them to a hospital so that a doctor could examine them. He was confident that the boys are normal, having been examined by a doctor. His confidence was boosted by the fact that the boys had not come back to the station to complain again. Subsequently, the disabled man who allegedly perpetrated the act had been released on bail.
1 comment:
That's the wierdest story i have ever heard...oh wait it's Nigeria,that's ok then.
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