She told how her feelings ranged from surprise and anger to laughter. On Monday, whenever someone mentioned “fibreglass rhino horn” to any staff at Lombardini, they would burst into loud laughter. Some wondered seriously whether the “poacher” was under the influence or just greedy when he made a fool of himself.

Possibly a bit of both, thought Lottering. “The intruder was probably looking for money and when he couldn’t find it, he looked for refreshments in the bar.” It would appear as though “he had some stroh rum and liqueur when his eye fell on the rhino horn. He must have heard somewhere that it was worth something because then it was just him and the rhino, and there was still a cupboard full of brandy and rum,” said Lottering.
When she called the police, she merely mentioned the burglary. “I was scared if I said rhino poaching, they would accuse me of making a false charge or something. But they could also not believe their eyes when they saw Barendina lying without her horns.” The damage to Barendina is extensive and she would have to be replaced, said Johan Lottering, co-owner. “There is no hope of rehabilitation.”
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