It shows a woman's face that has been made up to look as though she has been subjected to tests that animals endure in laboratories worldwide. The image is part of an awareness-raising campaign by the groups Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania and Choose Cruelty Free about the horrors of animal testing.

"People think that animal testing is a thing of the past. We want everyone to know exactly what they are buying," said CCF spokeswoman Cherie Wilson. AACT spokesman Chris Simcox said many people would be horrified to learn that they may be buying products from companies that use these tests.
"Use of powerful images such as this one ... have great impact and are justified," he said. AACT plans to create a new billboard, to continue the cruelty message.
Too bad, this looks like an effective ad for a good cause.
What I find interesting is when I see PETA supporters wearing make-up.
I'd rather animal testing didn't exist, but as a scientist I'm painfully aware there's no viable alternative if we're talking about medical testing. I'm sad it happens but try not to think about it as long as it's for a good cause (and quite frankly if I was dying from something terrible, I'd kill as many rats as required to save my own ass) but for cosmetics? There's no excuse. Johnson and Johnson "no more tears" have no more tears because animals cried blood. Even "the body shop" is now part of L'oreal.
Cosmetic testing is disgusting! One of the few things in the world I care about are animals.
This experiment on meat eaters is interesting:
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