"In its first three years of operation, VVS1 will target the five most active volcanoes in the world: Etna, Stromboli, Yasur, Ambrym and Tinakula.
"Using patented carbon-carbon materials pioneered for deep space exploration, Virgin is proud to announce a revolutionary new vehicle, VVS1, which will be capable of plunging three people into the molten lava core of an active volcano.

"Sir Richard Branson will go on the first expedition along with Black Eyed Peas recording artist and science enthusiast will.i.am and actor/producer Seth Green. Virgin registered Virgin Volcanic in the late 1990s in anticipation of the development of technology to explore active volcanoes." The first Virgin Volcanic trips are scheduled for 2015.
Rember what the date is...
I'm very aware of what the date is.
Thank you very much. :)
Ah~~~ all the makings of a good popcorn flick with the rich guy, musician and actor producer. Now they just need to find some weird inner earth ET that will try to eat their brains out to make a rocking b-grade movie.
hmmm maybe he can get Hilary Swank as his co-pilot. She's been there already.
Rich people are crazy. I am glad I am poor. I do plan on being rich someday, and I will be great at it.
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