Dressed in nothing but a nude-coloured body suit, Jacqueline Traide volunteered to put herself through the public torment for 10 hours straight in an effort to raise awareness for a campaign highlighting the pain and cruelty inflicted on animals during laboratory tests for the cosmetics industry.
Traide’s abuses included being given injections, having her mouth clamped open, her eyes irritated with a spray, a portion of her hair shaved off and her skin braised by a man dressed as a lab technician.
YouTube link.
Humane Society International and Lush Cosmetics, a store that heavily promotes its selection of all-natural and organic handmade products, joined forces in an effort to launch a global campaign to end animal testing for cosmetics. “The ironic thing is that if it was a beagle in the window and we were doing all these things to it, we’d have the police and (animal welfare group) RSPCA here in minutes,” Lush campaign manager Tamsin Omond said. “But somewhere in the world, this kind of thing is happening to an animal every few seconds on average.”
This is my kind of girl.
Been more fun if she was actually nude. Well, maybe... I've heard them English hos don't shave their legs, and that's just nassssty.
Way to go Jacqueline.
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