Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dog meets horse

Although I suspect it may have had a touch on concussion after.

YouTube link.


Anonymous said...

A tragicomedy!

SteveC said...

The horse was just being a horse but my heart actually really went out to the dog as it appeared to want to play. Once my lab somehow got a glancing kick by a donkey and her eye was completely swollen shut. A decent kick to the head can kill a dog and seeing my dog stagger about after a kick would have me worried. This dogs owners didn't seem bothered at all.

Anonymous said...

Not the horses fault but Lucky that dog is still alive - the riders just keep riding when their horse may have just seriously injured someones pet -Dogs should be on leashes at all times for their own safety as well as other peoples

Anonymous said...

on my opinion the dog suffered much more than a concussion most likely a scull fraction with internal bleeding - a kick like that from a horse is very powerful - I hope the dog did not die when the sun went down.