Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Firefighters remove potty from toddler's head

An Australian couple were forced to call the fire brigade after their toddler got a plastic potty stuck on his head. Three-year-old Tzvi Berkobits from Frankston became stuck in the training potty while playing at home.

A Country Fire Authority spokeswoman said emergency services were alerted to the boy's predicament. "We could have removed it by lifting it off his head, it wasn't going to injure him, but he was quite distressed and was hanging on to it quite tight," she said.

Firefighters cut the thin plastic from behind so they did not cause further stress to the boy, the spokeswoman said. She said it took less than five minutes to free him.

"It's not every day that you remove a toilet or a potty from someone's head," the spokeswoman said. Paramedics also attended the scene but the boy was not injured.

There's a news video here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FFS. The fire department? REALLY? These twits are obviously incapable of parenting. Put the kid in a foster home before he ends up in gladiator academy.