Thursday, May 03, 2012

Robbery victim called 911 to report theft of his weed

Police are looking for three suspects in an armed robbery just off the campus of the University of Maryland in College Park. It happened shortly before 1pm in the 8300 block of Curry Place in Adelphi. The neighbourhood is less than a mile from the College Park campus.

Three current and two former University of Maryland students live in the home that was hit. Police say three masked men came in through an open door. After they left, one of the residents called 911.

“I woke up to one of them walking in my room and asking where my money and drugs were,” said one of the residents on the 911 tape. The dispatcher responded: “He asked you for money and drugs. Did he get it?” The resident answered: “He took my weed and took my rent money.”

Police confirm the robbery was drug-related. "Two of the suspects had hand-guns. They stole laptops, cell phones, money, to include marijuana,” said Cpl. Mike Rodriguez, of the Prince George’s County Police Department.

With news video.

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