Saturday, May 05, 2012

We got lamb

Click for bigger.


Anonymous said...

Well, there you go.

Ratz said...

That'd be great for all the pseudo-vegetarians who still eat fish. Because we all know fish is made of plastic, or courgette, or something.

Gareth said...

I was in a sandwich shop once and ordered a bacon sandwich the assistant asked my friend if he would like the same. My friend replied that he was a veggie, to which the woman replied:

"We do those turkey rashers too. They're supposed to taste just like bacon."

Ho hum.

Antonia said...

It's a line from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" :)

Miss Cellania said...

I can understand this a little. Around here at least, Indian restaurants can't serve pork because they would lose their Muslim customers. They can't serve beef because they would lose their Hindu customers. They can't go vegetarian because they wouldn't make any money at all. The Indian restaurant I go to occasionally has chicken everything with an occasional goat dish. If they had lamb, everyone would rejoice!

So this sign is probably a shortcut from "Don't eat beef or pork?"

andiscandis said...

The phrasing is slightly off, but Antonia's right: